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Wednesday, 6 March 2013

Regional Requirement for Zipper

Normally we follow some regional requirement regarding the zipper, when we ordered or attached the zipper with body. Such as right handed zipper and left handed zipper.  This requirement also very important for fashion trend so, before place a order please be confirmed with your buyer.
For Jacket front zippers, please note the following habit in U.S.A and Europe.
Men’s jackets with the zipper slider on the right-hand side of the zipper when the jackets is worn. The wearer uses her left hand to zip.
Ladies (Female) Jackets with the zipper slider on the left-hand side of the zipper when the Jacket is worn. The wearer uses her left hand to zip.

Just the opposite of the above.
Men’s (male) Jacket with the zipper slider on the left hand side of the zipper when the jacket is worn. The wearer uses her right hand to zip.

Ladies (Female) Jackets with the zipper slider on the right hand side of the zipper when the Jacket is worn. The wearer uses her right hand to zip.

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